Cheyenne Frontier Days (CFD), the world’s largest outdoor rodeo, uses contests to create loyal rewards members. Fans join CFD’s rewards program, CFD Rodeo Rewards, to gain access to exclusive contests for concerts, meet and greets, free tickets and VIP experiences.
To spread the word about the contests, CFD Rodeo Rewards announces them through radio, tv and social media. After hearing about the contests, fans enter to win through the CFD Rodeo Rewards’ website or mobile app.
Fans must create a CFD Rodeo Rewards account or log-in with an existing one to enter into contests. New CFD Rodeo Rewards members can have one free entry into a contest after creating an account. By generating these new members, CFD Rodeo Rewards has onboarded thousands of fans from these contests.
Rewards members can also earn points to obtain further entries into the contests. Members earn these points by promoting CFD on social media, buying tickets or checking into CFD events. Rewards members check into events via the rewards app or by an iBeacon that rewards points when they arrive.
Before using CFD Rodeo Rewards, CFD used text-to-win contests. But by using the text-to-win method they had no information of who participants were.
But now, by using contests through the CFD Rodeo Rewards program, CFD knows who participants are. Not only that, but CFD can now market specifically to these people and convert them into loyal rewards members.
Since using contests through CFD Rodeo Rewards, CFD has seen unprecedented participation. A contest for Aerosmith VIP Tickets saw over 22,000 entries and Keith Urban VIP Tickets had over 27,000 entries. In total, 2015 CFD Contests saw over 100,000 entries.
Overall, CFD Rodeo Rewards increases membership due to marketing contests through radio, TV and social media. CFD’s contests drive many new members to CFD Rodeo Rewards and they now can continue to market to a loyal customer base.